There’s a lot of great gifts for people who love yoga. The trouble is, you might not always know where to start. So if you’re looking for gift ideas for people who love yoga, here’s my list of the 30 best gifts for yogis.
1. Yoga Mat

What would Captain America be without his shield? Or a cyclist without their bike? Well, a yogi needs a mat. These can come in many kinds of shapes, sizes, colours and materials. But generally speaking a decent yoga mat will cost in the range of $20- $100 and there are heaps of options on amazon.
Yogis love mats, and it’s a way to add a little of their personality or style onto their mat, and don’t be afraid, because most yogis will own more than one mat.
2. Cork Yoga Block

Generally you can get these for between $20-$50 on amazon. Yoga blocks are excellent for enhancing yoga poses and supporting the arm joints, but also the neck, back and head.
They can be made in foam, bamboo as well as cork, but I find cork to be the best support whilst also having a microbial property to help keep it nice and clean!
There are many types of yoga mat bag, with most being purely to fit the mat in and not much else. These tend to be $15-$30 on amazon. I recommend a slightly different style (a bit harder to find), which is like a cross between a backpack and a mat bag, tends to go for a bit more at $30-$50. However, you can fit a lot more into the bag, without it being that much bigger. It’s win win.
4. Yoga Towel With Non-Slip Grips on One Side

Usually going for $8-20 per towel, amazon again is a great place to look for these. Look out for the microfibre towels and make sure they have the grippy parts to help them not slip around – very important for sweaty yoga sessions!
5. Wireless Headphones

One of the best gifts for yoga enthusiasts are bluetooth headphones. They come in many different shapes and sizes and as such vary in price, so expect an outlay of $50-$400 depending on the pair you choose. Amazon has a great headphone range.
It’s totally worth it, however, as listening to some zen sounds or some yoga instructions is always good. Plus, they won’t just be used whilst practising, they might be used on the journey to and from a class.
6. Yoga Socks with Grips

You can expect these to come in between $5-$15 from amazon. Generally, we are supposed to practise yoga barefoot. However, sometimes we might need to cover up our feet due to illness, or cuts, or that it’s just freezing out.
7. Ankle Warmer Socks

You can find these on amazon between $5-$20. They are great for more than just yoga too! A great way to keep those ankles warm and limber, and add some real style to proceedings. Your recipient will love these.
8. Yoga Swing
Yoga swings tend to cost between $50-$100, and can also be found on amazon, with a growing seller base. It’s a huge trend that’s literally taking off in the yogi community. Swings allow for aerial yoga moves and whole new muscle groups being used. This is undoubtedly a cool yoga gift.
9. Incense Reed Diffuser

These bad boys come in all different smells and shapes and sizes. Prices can range from $5 for an individual to $30 for a set of a few. They can be found in a range of stores, or if you’re looking online, amazon is a great source. Definitely go for a few as smell can be a really personal choice.
These are great for having around the house in general, but also great for creating that zen atmosphere of mindfulness when the time is right to meditate and practise some yoga.
10. Quirky Gifts, Such as This Stocking Stuffer

Found on Etsy or amazon for about $15 (listed as £9.99) it’s an example of a whole raft of small level, cute gifts for yoga enthusiasts. Other examples include popular t shirts such as a Downwards Facing French bulldog, or the phone case with namaste on it.
11. Organic Yoga Mat Cleaner

There are many options available, most of which can be found on amazon, and tend to range between $10-$20. Yogis spend a lot of time on their mat. Sometimes they sweat. It’s good to clean this regularly to stop bacteria from festering and it’s nice to have a fresh smelling mat when you’re in downward facing dog!
12. Yoga Eye Pillow

Many options on amazon and listed prices range from $8.99-$20. This will really help the yogi in your life to reach a further level of mindfulness either during meditation or in capping off their yoga session.
13. Green Smoothie Recipe Book

I recently bought this one, The Green Smoothie Recipe Book, on amazon it cost me $10, but was absolutely worth every penny. Sometimes you don’t just want to workout, but you want your whole mind and body to feel detoxed and ready to go. This smoothie recipe book will help.
14. Yoga Dice

Usually come in priced at $20-$30 on amazon. Each die represents thousands of possible poses and combinations, helping mix up your yogi’s routine.
15. Meditation Cushion

Usually a cushion like this will cost you around $20-$30 from sites like amazon.
Anyone who meditates often can testify that a certain part of the body can get a little sore – especially as you get older. A cushion like this will help soothe much of this for the yogi in your life.
16. Black Obsidian Bottle

Prices vary for good ones, from about $60-$120, and can be found in many places, including on amazon. This is ultimately a water infuser – using black obsidian which is known for its calming, confidence building and focus boosting properties.
17. G3Pro Theragun

This one comes in for about $400 for the G3pro, or for the older models or other brands can be between $150-$250, with amazon having the best options on other brands too. It’s best work is to get to the deep muscle level to relieve tension and stress and tightness in there. Definitely good for anyone, yogis included.
18. Vacuum Style Water Bottle

Tend to be around $25-$30, can be bought in a variety of shops, and on amazon. Can keep water cold even in hot yoga class – or keep some organic green tea hot for after the class.
19. Yoga Knee Pads

Usually $15-$25, and can be found online on sites like amazon. Very useful to help keep some pressure off a yogi’s knees, they will definitely thank you for this one!
20. Massage Ball

Found on amazon, usually costs between $10-$20. Helps loosen you up when your muscles feel tight. Can step on it for knots in your feet, or roll it between a wall and your back for knots in your back.
21. Yoga Wheel

Listed on amazon from $30-$60, brand, material and quality dependant. Again, I recommend cork for its support and microbial properties. Can help to stretch out your back to prevent injuries and also help a yogi to perform flow out sequences.
22. The Yoga Kitchen Book

$40-$60 on amazon. For yogis, yoga isn’t just an exercise, it’s a way of living. This book really helps with recipe ideas to help live the life of mindfulness, and an energised body.
23. Yoga Strap

Usually $5-$20 on amazon, depending on style and brand. Using one of these to either stretch before workout or deepen those yoga poses, no matter what level of yoga ability. There are tons of these online, and generally coming in all different colours to match your yogis’ outfits/ mat.
24. Large Aromatherapy Scented Candle

On amazon, usually around $20-$60. Again, lots of different smelling options but generally it’s good to go with a solid option. This really helps to destress any yogi in any situation in life.
25. Sturdy Set of 15 Ponytail Holders

$15-$25 on amazon. Sturdy and durable, snag free coming in different colour combos to match outfits. Doing yoga is much easier when you don’t have a full head of hair in your face or as a trip hazard!
26. Detoxifying Salt Scrubs

Listed on amazon for between $8-$30. Going to the spa can be expensive – so instead bring the spa back home. These are great for feeling totally detoxed.
27. Spiked Silicone Sleeve Water Bottle

At $30-$50, it’s a pricey water bottle. However, it’s slip free (no matter how sweaty the room gets), and it will make no noise as it’s put down due to the silicon sleeve.
28. Chamomile and Lavender Tea

$5-$15, available in many tea shops and some options available on amazon. This tea is perfect for after evening yoga sessions, to keep the mind calm and relaxed and help ease into a state of sleep later.
29. Organic Chai Tea

$5-$15, can be found in most tea shops or on amazon. Absolutely the best tea in this yogi’s opinion full stop – but especially after a morning yoga session.
30. Mexican Blanket

About $15-$20, available in different colours/ styles on amazon. Great to wrap yourself after a session – or just great for comfort and style. These are trending right now due to the style and versatile usage for them – but even if just used as a throw for the couch or to wrap up warm in a post yoga netflix and chillout, I love these.
Top Considerations When Choosing a Yoga Gift
Of course any gift idea needs to be chosen with the recipient in mind. It could be that the colour you’ve chosen might not be the favourite colour of the yogi in your life, or it may be the wrong organic tea! Here’s my top considerations when getting gifts for people who like yoga:
Consider The Reason for Buying the Gift
Again, you’ve probably already got this covered, but if it’s for stocking filler gift ideas then naturally you won’t want to go too overboard. However, if it’s your wife and it’s your 10th wedding anniversary, it might make sense to splash out a bit more. But maybe it’s also not about price. For example, if you’re buying yoga pants for a friend’s wife’s birthday, it may not be the most appropriate! It may be that a smoothie recipe book would have gone perfectly, as that would be something she could enjoy, and perhaps your friend (her husband) as well! So think about who you’re buying for and why.
Consider the Appropriate Budget
Yoga is most certainly not a cheap pasttime, when you consider all the paraphernalia that come along with it. Even a good mat might set someone back $100. Consider the budget that you want to work with, and adjust accordingly. Maybe it’s an office secret santa and you don’t want to spend $400 for a muscle massage gun, and that’s fine. There are plenty of equally nice and useful gifts in the $10-$30 range, such as a massage ball or grippy yoga socks.
Consider Their Taste
As you can see, a lot of the gifts aren’t necessarily a “One Size Fits All”. They have different colours, patterns, smells and flavours. Make sure when you get a gift like this, that you bring into consideration the person you’re buying it for. You might know for sure that they love lavender, or you might not quite know them well enough, in which case, if you can afford it/ don’t mind, then going for two or three options in the tea or candles could be a nice way of letting them decide which they like best.
In short, there’s a ton of options out there, that may not be immediately obvious. If you’re buying for your partner, feel free to refer back to this list each time you’re thinking of getting them a gift and you’re sure to keep the yogi in your life happy and centered!